Sells in Vahik IT shares due to the panic of Deepsek

Chinese startup for models like Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools and Chat GPT has created panic. This led to increased selling in Vahik shares on Monday. According to reports, DipC’s free download has already surpassed US competition at Apple’s US app store.

Chip manufacturer Nvidia shares were included in the declining shares in Monday’s business in the US and weakened by about 17 per cent. This reduced the company’s market capitalization to $ 600 billion. Navidia fell by 3.1 per cent to 19,342 on Monday, with a major fall in NVDia. Major brokers and analysts have expressed their opinion on the development.


While the aggressive pricing strategy of Deepcia is questioned on the high capital expenditure intensity of Big Tech, we need to understand that Deepciak’s model still has several limitations compared to the leading model of Big Tech. Also, there is limited transparency in the training system. Investors should remain calm and take advantage of excessive fluctuations and should shop on a decline in quality shares.


Dipcik means that investing in AI would not be as expensive as it was thought before. This should speed up the development of technology. But at the same time it also means that the main financial rights will start questioning the big rage spent on computing power in the AI ​​race. The news related to the deputy will now put pressure on the AI ​​hardware supply chain as the worry is that companies like Meta will take a U-turn and cut capital expenditure.

Rabobank international

In the coming week, the announcements of central banks (including Fed and ECB) or some financial results can be seen. The results of Tech giant Apple, Tesla, Microsoft, Meta and ASML are likely to be announced next week. It will be necessary to see how much the effect of Deepciak can remain after these results.

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Deware group

Deepic developments indicate major changes in the direction of efficiency in AI, which will show an impact in both energy and AI markets. Opportunities for investors associated with it have now become more widespread. The model of Deepciak includes modern algorithms to reduce the energy demand for AI Q teaching and use. This challenges the notion that AI’s development is constantly associated with increasing energy consumption. Renewable energy services providers are ready to be destroyed by this as AI infrastructure is being developed to prioritize stability and reward on investment (ROI).

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